A downloadable adventure module

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Chaos is corrupting your city

The Maelstrom Prophet is a short system agnostic adventure module to be used with any OSR or NSR game system.

The dice decide

The module is a highly randomly generated dungeon crawl set in a medieval or renaissance fantasy city.

Designed with constraints

For our first collaboration we wanted to make something small and fast. We gave ourselves some constraints to make the process faster and more interesting.

Print your own

First we wanted to make something that anymore could print at home on a black and white printer where you can't print to the edge or cut the bleed away.

A real book(let)

We didn't want to just make a one page dungeon, but a small booklet and that's how we came up with this fold-out booklet. The folding lets us design a reading experience they gets more chaotic as you delve deeper into the book.

No straight lines

The art style is an attempt to get away from our normal controlled and square art style, trying to break free and just do whatever comes to mind.

CategoryPhysical game
Rated 5.0 out of 5 stars
(2 total ratings)
AuthorMalmö Mystic Society / Weird Wednesday
TagsFantasy, OSR, Tabletop role-playing game
Average sessionA few seconds


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Click download now to get access to the following files:

the-maelstrom-prophet-print.pdf 4.1 MB
the-maelstrom-prophet-sreen.pdf 2.4 MB

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